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- Category: Uncategorized
- I Had to Survive: How a Plane Crash in the Andes Inspired My Calling to Save Lives
- Home Care Ventilation Program
- New Medical Informatics Modules
- New Gastroenterology Modules
- Mourning the Loss of Professor Kwaku Ohene-Frempong
- New “Women Leading the Way” Podcast Series with CEO Madeline Bell
- New Urology Modules
- New Emergency Medicine Modules
- Vaccine Conversation Series
- Happy Birthday, CHOP OPEN!
- Featured Lectures – Primary Care Essentials
- Featured Lecture – COVID-19 Town Hall
- New Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Modules
- Pediatric & Congenital Heart Talks
- New Medical Education Modules
- DermED Monthly Cases
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcasts
- Introducing Nursing Education
- Infectious Diseases Course
- Featured Lectures – December ’20
- Welcome to CHOP OPEN 2.0
Online Courses
- AI in Nursing: Are We There Yet?
- Speech-Language Evaluations in Multilingual, Pediatric Populations: Building collaboration between interpreters and speech-language pathologists for best clinical outcomes
- Retinoblastoma
- Welcoming the Stranger: Refugee & Immigrant Child Health Past and Future
- Beauty from Ashes: Traversing the Battlefields of Adversity to the Gardens of Joy
- Leveraging the CHOP Improvement Framework for Process and Practice Improvement
- Responding to In-Flight Emergencies: Is there a Doctor On-Board?
- PT/OT Post Graduate Education - Pursuing a residency and fellowship
- Iron-deficiency Anemia
- Best Practices for Utilizing Interpreter Services
- Microaggressions Test
- Quality Improvement in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- Child Injury from Cannabis: Lessons from North America
- Ingested Foreign Objects
- Pediatric Surgical Emergencies
- Emergency Evaluation of Syncope in Children and Adolescents
- No Weak Sauce: Strengthen Your Approach to Weakness
- Neonatal Emergencies
- Common Pediatric Head Trauma
- GI Decontamination of the Poisoned Patient
- Critical Cardiac Lesions in Infancy
- The Child with Altered Mental Status: Emergency Department Evaluation and Management
- Wheezing in Young Children: Current Evidence and Practical Management
- Pediatric Airway and Intubation
- Making Rash Decisions: Pediatric Dermatology Cases
- Doc, Fix My Shock: Recognition and Management of Anaphylaxis
- Seizure Management in the Pediatric Emergency Department
- Child Poisoning: Epidemiology and Acute Care
- Programa de Desarrollo Interprofesional con el Hospital de Niños de Filadelfia en la USFQ - Trasplante de órganos sólidos: enfoque interdisciplinario
- Programa de Desarrollo Interprofesional con el Hospital de Niños de Filadelfia en la USFQ - Estrategias de Liderazgo
- Global Health Conference: Towards a Sustainable Future – Addressing Climate Change at the Individual Level
- Global Health Conference Keynote Addresses: Global Perspectives
- Global Health Conference Keynote Addresses: Overview of Climate Change and Health
- Collaborating for Life: The Organ Donation Process
- Acute Glomerulonephritis in Children
- Baby-led Weaning: A method to introduce solids and encourage self-feeding for infants
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Seizures
- Social Media for Healthcare Professionals
- Fetal Fireside: Sacrococcygeal Teratoma - From Prenatal Diagnosis to Postnatal Outcomes
- The Safe and Effective Practice of AAV Gene Therapy
- ¿Cómo perciben el mundo las personas autistas?
- Fetal Fireside: Detailed Fetal Imaging and Whole Exome Sequencing/Whole Genome Sequencing Can Reveal the Diagnosis in Complex Cases with Normal Microarray
- Epilepsy Surgery for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
- Multi-Modal Pain Management: Why Using Complementary and Integrative Modalities Will Help Your Medications Work Better
- From Biomarkers to Bedside: Using Symptom Science to Inform Precision Care
- Radiology: Cultural Sensitivity and Image Quality Training
- What does safety planning look like in practice?
- Supporting Pediatric Patients with Autism in the Emergency Department
- Diagnostic Excellence in Child Physical Abuse: Challenges & Opportunities
- Gene Therapies for Epilepsy
- The Center for Surgical Health – An Innovative Model for Equitable Surgical Care
- Overuse Injuries in the Young Athlete (Beasley 2024)
- Updates on Chest Wall Deformities for the Practicing Pediatrician
- Financial Planning Tips for Physicians
- Pediatric Urology Primer – Management of Hydronephrosis and Hypospadias
- Rhythms and Clocks: The Unharnessed Power of Circadian Rhythms
- Therapy for Children with High-Risk and Relapsed Neuroblastoma - CHOP Cancer Center International Seminar Series
- Endocrine Complications of Childhood Cancer Therapy - CHOP Cancer Center International Seminar Series
- Explore the Cores: Talking Transformational Technology, Throughput Sequencing & Trees with Teodora Orendovici, PhD
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Part I: Prenatal Evaluation, FETO and Surgical Repair
- 5th Annual Mitochondrial Medicine Education Day
- Workplace Violence and Employee Well-Being
- Unlocking Possibilities: Insights on Success in Academic Pediatrics
- Practical Strategies for a Successful Office Visit
- Readiness to Change & Counseling
- History of the Disability Rights Movement
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: Interventions
- Behavior Management Strategies
- Sleep Disorders
- Psychopharmacology in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Genetic Mechanisms and Disorders
- Language and Learning Disorders
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (Blum 2024)
- Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Case Presentations (2024)
- Prematurity and Sensory Impairments
- Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, and Motor Disabilities
- Autism, Developmental, and Behavioral Screening
- Principles of DBP (Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics) & Processes of Normal Development
- Tethered Cord in Pediatrics
- Treatment of Relapsed B-ALL (B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) - CHOP Cancer Center International Seminar Series
- Be the Change You Seek: Achieving Balance in Medicine, Advocacy, and Life
- Nucleoside Modified mRNA-LNP Therapeutics
- Autism Identification in Pediatric Patients: What Medical Interpreters Should Know
- Death, Trust, and Organ Donation: Ethics and Law of Normothermic Regional Perfusion
- School Lunch Nutrition Updates with USDA FNS
- ExPERT – Montgomery County Best Practices in Pediatric Resuscitation
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Twins
- Connective Tissue Disorders
- Diabetes Management in the School Setting: Resources for the School Nurse
- Supporting Pediatric Patients with Autism in Primary Care (PDPH)
- Acute Concussion Evaluation 2024
- New Frontiers in Injury Prevention
- Sleep Disruption and Delirium in Critically Ill Children
- Teen Communication: Learning language to build character, resilience, and relationships
- World Breastfeeding Week: Closing the Gap
- Pediatric Retinal Detachment
- Caring for the Patient with Diabetes
- Rabies
- Neural Tube Defects and Chiari Malformations
- Epilepsy and Teens: Counseling Advice on Managing Epilepsy as an Adolescent
- Chronic Lung Presentation
- Supporting Pediatric Patients with Autism in Primary Care
- Neurodevelopmental Respiratory Care
- Recognizing Signs of Cortical Visual Impairment in Infants with BPD
- Hot (and Cold) Babies
- Anxiety and Depression
- General Pediatrics Clinical Cases
- Pediatric Osteoarticular Infections - OMI 2024
- Feeding Intolerance and Gastrointestinal Dysfunction in Children with Medical Complexity
- Complex Care Respiratory Management
- Introduction to Complex Care (Gottlieb 2024)
- Promoting Clinical Reasoning
- Acne (Lockwood 2024)
- Teaching in the Clinical Setting
- Constipation
- Vaccine Hesitancy (Lockwood 2024)
- Podcasting for Medical Education
- Urinary Tract Infections and Congenital Anomalies of the Genitourinary (GU) Tract
- Community Acquired Pneumonia
- Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
- Explore the Cores: Illuminating Discoveries With CHOP’s Flow Cytometry Core
- Fever in the Returning Traveler
- Spit Happens: Use of Esophageal pH/MII Testing to Objectively Diagnose Reflux in BPD
- Translation of Multilingual Research Materials: Beyond the Basics
- Visitor Onboarding Course
- Observership Onboarding Bundle
- A Pediatrician's Guide to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: From Simple to Complex
- Encouraging Professionalism as a Leader
- Mentoring and Career Development
- Implementation: Leading Change
- Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease
- Vision and Motivation (2024)
- Applying Plain Language in Multilingual Research
- Advocacy Curriculum in Pediatric Residency Education
- Resilient Leadership
- Influencing Behavior
- The Experience of Change
- Addressing Misconduct and Disciplinary Issues
- Managing Up
- Firearm Safety: A Rehab Clinician's Perspective
- Interprofessional Teams
- Leading Effective Teams
- Difficult Conversations
- Anaphylaxis (Lee 2024)
- Back with a Vengeance: Resurging Infectious Diseases in Pediatrics Post-COVID
- Sickle Cell Gene Therapy
- Pediatric Vascular Surgery — A new subspecialty within vascular surgery?
- Recognizing and Responding to Pediatric Eating Disorders (2024)
- Fetal Skeletal Dysplasia
- Feedback and Coaching
- Delegation and Accountability
- Communication and Technology
- Emotional Intelligence (2024)
- Leadership Styles
- Explore the Cores: CHOP Biorepository Houses Specimens & Hope for Pediatric Breakthroughs
- Gastroschisis
- Palliative Care vs. End of Life Care and the Role of Nursing
- Studies on "Final Common Pathways" Associated with Cardiomyopathies and Arrythmias
- Mock Kaizen
- Applications of Behavioral Economics in Quality and Safety
- Sustaining and Spreading Change
- Change Management Theory in Practice
- Introduction to Lean in Healthcare
- Measurement – Run Charts
- Measurement
- PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) Cycles Made Easy
- Improvement Teams and Stakeholder Analysis
- Understanding Current State
- Project Selection, Aims, and Measures
- The History of QI and Improvement Methodologies (Keren 2024)
- An Introduction to Cognitive Bias and Diagnostic Error
- Systems Thinking and Patient Safety
- The Case for Improving Safety and Quality in Health Care Systems Around the World
- Social Care Transformations to Promote Health Equity
- An Antiracist Approach in Primary Care
- Pediatric Solid Organ Injury
- Surgical Management of Central Lymphatic Conduction Disorders
- Mitochondrial Disease - Making the Diagnosis
- Framework for Responding to Sexual Exploitation
- Understanding Reproductive Justice in Perinatal Care for Severe Fetal Condition
- Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus for the Pediatrician
- Spiritual Care at CHOP
- Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): HIV Prevention for Adolescents
- Mental Health Is Health: Caring for the Whole Child
- Is It Working?: Evaluating Your Education Program
- Assessing Leaners: Considerations and Challenges
- Coaching Your Learners and Colleagues
- Remediating the Problem Learner
- Optimizing Feedback (Barnes 2024)
- Identifying the Struggling Learner
- Mentoring (Rezet 2024)
- “See One, Do One, Teach One”: Teaching Procedures in Medical Education
- “You Can Observe A Lot By Just Watching”: Role of Direct Observation in Clinical Learning and Teaching
- Teaching in the Outpatient Setting
- Ten Tips to Enhance Teaching on Rounds (Barnes 2024)
- Creating Psychologically Safe Learning Environments
- Show More, Write Less: Maximizing Imagery and Engagement in Teaching
- Keeping the Destination in Mind: Creating Effective Goals and Objectives
- Characteristics of a Great Teacher
- The Adult Learner (Rezet 2024)
- Medical Education in the US
- Preventing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- Workplace Violence
- Suspected Child Maltreatment, Family Violence, and Safe Haven Law
- Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- Pediatric Urologic Oncology (Long 2024)
- Imperforate Anus, Urogenital Sinus, and Cloaca
- Pediatric Nephrolithiasis (Fischer 2024)
- Acquired Heart Disease in Children
- Mechanical Circulatory Support and Heart Transplantation
- Heart Failure in Children: Diagnosis and Management
- Implantable EP Devices
- Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathy
- Channelopathies, Syncope, and Sudden Cardiac Death
- Fontan Circulation: Early and Late Outcomes (Ravishankar 2024)
- Single Ventricle Heart Defects: Introduction (Ravishankar 2024)
- Diagnosis and Management of Tachyarrhythmia
- Genetic Aspects of Congenital Heart Disease
- Tetralogy of Fallot: From Fetus to Adult
- Diagnosis and Management of Critical Congenital Heart Defects in Neonates and Infants
- Echocardiographic Assessment of Cardiac Structure and Function
- Nutrition Advice for Premature Babies at Discharge from the NICU
- Transition Urology
- Workup and Treatment of Pediatric Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
- Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma (Fischer 2024)
- Posterior Urethral Valves and Prune Belly Syndrome
- Laparoscopy and Robotics (Fischer 2024)
- Differences of Sex Development (Van Batavia 2024)
- Cloacal and Bladder Exstrophy (Long 2024)
- Adolescent Varicocele (Van Batavia 2024)
- Cryptorchidism (Van Batavia 2024)
- Neuropathic Bladder and Myelomeningocele (Long 2024)
- Office Based Pediatric Urology (Fischer 2024)
- Pediatric Urologic Emergencies (Van Batavia 2024)
- CHOP Multidisciplinary Airway Training Curriculum
- Institutional Prepared(ism)
- Skin-to-Skin Care in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Opportunity for Implementation Science
- What Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Adds to Ultrasound in Complex Brain Malformations
- Marfan Syndrome
- Minds Matter Guide to Concussion Management for Parks and Recreation Staff
- Implementation, De-Implementation or Re-Implementation? Achieving Sustainable Practice Change in Pediatric Care Through Implementation Science
- Cortical Visual Impairment
- Trauma Informed Communication for the Chronic Caregiver: From Disconnection to Connection
- Stuttering
- Pushing the Envelope in Neonatology
- Late Onset Bacterial Infections in the NICU: Pathogenesis, Prognosis, and Prevention
- Principles of Quality Improvement
- Patient Safety in the NICU
- Prevention and Management of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonates
- Preterm Encephalopathy
- Principles of Neonatal Resuscitation
- Cardiovascular Collapse in the Newborn: Neonatal Shock
- Therapeutic Hypothermia for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
- Apnea of Prematurity and Intermittent Hypoxia
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- What is Diabetes?
- Concussion Research: Biomechanics and Prevention
- How and Why Race Matters in Understanding Urban Neighborhoods and Criminal Justice
- Lymphatic Malformations: From Prenatal Diagnosis to Postnatal Treatment
- New Frontiers: Precision Medicine a ‘Unique Signature’ for Pediatric Cancer Patients
- Medical Legal Partnerships in Primary Care
- How Children’s Neurocognitive Differences Matter in the Healthcare Setting
- A Journey to the Center of Health Equity: Pioneering Beyond the Bedside
- Thoracoscopic Surgery for Congenital Lung Lesions: A Different Perspective
- Immune Dysregulation (Behrens 2024)
- Curing Childhood Cancer and Curing Children with Cancer
- Congenital Heart Surgery For All Surgeons
- Concussion and Behavioral Health
- Update on Headache Diagnosis and Treatment in Primary Care
- Management of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Neonates, Children, and Adolescents
- The Exceptional Story of APOL1 Mediated Kidney Disease
- Ankyloglossia
- New Frontiers: Talking Heart-to-Heart About Pediatric Heart Failure
- Expanding the Continuum: An Introduction to the Behavioral Health and Crisis Center
- Sliding into Crisis: Inaccessible Mental Health Outcomes for the Deaf Community
- Behavioral Health Services in the City of Philadelphia
- Occupational Therapy and Management of Visual Impairments After Concussion
- Post-Concussion Vestibular Therapy
- Stepping Up Hospital-Based Asthma Care: Evidence and Rationale for Acute and Chronic Care Escalation
- Post-Traumatic Headache in Children (Patterson Gentile 2024)
- Heart Valve Surgical Repair Options
- Manejo del Conducto Arterioso Persistente (CAP) en Neonatos, Niños y Adolescentes
- Exercise and the Young Student Athlete
- Screening, Evaluation & Management of High Cholesterol in Children and Adolescents
- Artificial Intelligence Use in Pediatrics
- Center for Outcomes REsearch in Surgery (CORES): A new platform for improving patient-centered outcomes
- New Frontiers: At the Forefront of Hemophilia Treatment With CHOP
- The Vision Program - Remedial Vision Therapy
- Introduction to Inborn Errors of Metabolism
- Eating Disorders and Diet Culture
- Effects of Poverty on Children and the Future of Our Nation
- My Patient is a Diagnostic Dilemma - What Can I Do?
- Hypoglycemia: To Fast or Not to Fast
- CHOP Community Impact and Engagement
- An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care in Pediatric Medical Settings
- Clinician Well-Being: The Buzz Around Burnout
- Climate Change, Children’s Health, and Equity
- Microbial Medicine
- Vaccine Hesitancy (Downes 2023)
- Introduction to Antibiotic Stewardship (Chiotos 2023)
- Top Clinical Infectious Disease Papers
- Top Basic/Translational Science Papers of 2023 for Pediatric Infectious Disease
- Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PKPD)
- Respiratory Pathogens and Introduction of Capsule
- Fever of Unknown Origin (Bassiri 2023)
- Assessment and Management of Yeast Versus Mold Infections
- Fever and Rash Syndromes (Bassiri 2023)
- Staphylococcus aureus: Epidemics and Update
- Sepsis (Chiotos 2023)
- Congenital and Perinatal Infections (Downes 2023)
- Primary Immunodeficiencies (Bassiri 2023)
- The Immune System: A Primer (Bassiri 2023)
- Infectious Diseases Case Conference
- How to Present a Case in 10 Minutes
- Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
- Antibiotics: Mechanisms of Resistance
- The Genetics of Delayed Puberty: What’s New? Does it Change What We Do?
- Biliary Atresia: More Than Just an Awesome Operation
- Update on Wound Care
- Selective Fetal Growth Restriction: What We Know and What We Don’t
- Magnesium: Pros and Cons of Supplementation
- New Frontiers: CHOP Neonatologists Develop the Delivery Room of the Future
- Infantile Congenital Heart Disease
- Pediatric Pelvic Health
- Adaptive Toys in Rehab
- Torticollis
- Oncology Rehab
- Adaptive Sports
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Intravenous Lipid Emulsion Development: Nutritional and Therapeutic Considerations
- Understanding Xylazine
- Introduction to the Induction: A Primer to Starting Your Patient on Buprenorphine
- Mental Health Emergencies
- Lower GI Dysfunction & Constipation in Children with Medical Complexity
- Upper GI Dysfunction in Children with Medical Complexity
- Overview of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction in Children with Medical Complexity
- Autismo: Reconociendo la diversidad en el desarrollo infantil
- How to Present a Case (2023)
- Medical Cases Mistaken for Mental Illness
- Critical Illness in Adolescents
- Family Planning for Adolescents
- Menstrual Disorders in Adolescents
- Adolescent Dermatology – Focus on Acne
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- Adolescent History and Physical Exam
- Adolescent Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Development
- Overview of Adolescent Health and Course
- Genetic Testing in the NICU: Benefits and Harms
- 7th Annual Personalized IBD and VEO-IBD Virtual Symposium
- Innovating for Patient Safety: Development of a Learning Laboratory to Optimize Interprofessional Communication
- Fetal Firesides: Congenital Tracheoesophageal Anomalies
- ExPERT - Ambulatory and Hospital Resources (Inpatient Pediatrics)
- ExPERT - Ambulatory and Hospital Resources (Urgent & Primary Care)
- ExPERT - Ambulatory and Hospital Resources (Emergency Department)
- ExPERT - Newborn and NICU Resources
- ExPERT - Prehospital Resources
- Counseling for Pre-Diabetes
- Cloacal Exstrophy: Considerations for the Pediatric Surgeon
- CAR T-Cells: The Creation of a "Living Drug" to Treat Pediatric Leukemia
- Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons - Course Bundle
- Intestinal Rotational Anomalies
- Finding Language Data in Epic for Research: Child and Caregiver Considerations
- Applying CHOP Improvement Framework for Organizational Excellence
- Exploring Nurse Sensitive Outcomes: Where to next on the path to excellence in patient care?
- Pilonidal Disease
- Drawing Near: How Presence with Suffering Eases Moral Distress
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Strategies for Maximizing Potential
- The Prepared Leader
- RSV Prevention: Putting the Science Into Practice
- Lipid Screening
- Prenatal Gene Editing: Rationale and Challenges
- Novel Approaches to the Diagnosis and Management of Tracheoesophageal Fistulas
- CARE: Live Recorded Initial Trainings
- Nothing About Us Without Us – The Philadelphia Perspective
- Nothing About Us Without Us – The IHS Perspective
- Nothing About Us Without Us – Perspective from Botswana
- Nothing About Us Without Us – Perspective from Ghana
- The Language Specialist Perspective – What Health Researchers Should Know to Ensure Their Work with Interpreters and Translators Is Successful
- Visio-Vestibular Examination for Concussion
- To Err is Human, but Our Errors Affect Patients
- 100 Years of Research: Driven to Prevent Injury in Children
- Vaccine Hesitancy (Shen 2023)
- Fetal Fireside: The Spectrum of Fetal Congenital Heart Disease
- Pediatric Partners Town Hall: A Growth Update
- 4th Annual Mitochondrial Medicine Education Day
- Improving the Patient and Family Experience Through Tele-Education
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC): Past, Present and Future
- Bridging the Practice-Research Divide: Insights from developing a research program on PICU survivorship
- Childhood Lead Poisoning: A Dickensian Story
- Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Psychopharmacology and Transitional Care
- The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Promoting Positive Clinical Outcomes: A Closer Look
- Nirsevimab (Beyfortus)
- Adaptive Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 and the Role of Memory T-cell Responses
- Furosemide for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Take Care of Maya
- Fatal Poisonings
- Neither Nissan nor Nissin Noodles nor Nissun Caps nor Even Nissen: The Word on GERD
- Respiratory Care for Medically Fragile Child
- Minds Matter Concussion Care: New Frontiers
- Infant Feeding Options for Pregnant People with HIV
- Torticollis: 3 Types and Takeaways
- ADHD in Primary Care: An overview of family information in understanding, monitoring, and supporting children diagnosed with ADHD
- Syphilis: Prevalence and Prevention
- Navigating the Path to Rare Disease Therapies
- Dermatology Pearls for Primary Care - Module 4
- Dermatology Pearls for Primary Care - Module 3
- Dermatology Pearls for Primary Care - Module 2
- Dermatology Pearls for Primary Care - Module 1
- Trauma Bootcamp 2023
- ADHD Medication Management
- Collaboration Between Speech-Language Pathologists And Interpreters
- The Future of Pediatrics
- Improving Social Functioning in Children with ADHD: What Can Be Done in Schools
- Improving Executive Function in Children with ADHD: What Can Be Done in Schools
- Following the ABC's - CHOP's Journey to Safe Sleep
- Career Development, Leadership Journeys, and Leadership Learnings
- Promoting Change (Switalski 2023)
- Strategy Integration
- Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times (Ardieta 2023)
- Systems Thinking
- Leading Towards Value: Creativity and Innovation
- Crucial Conversations
- Effective Feedback (Switalski 2023)
- A Primer on Influence, Persuasion, and Negotiation
- Building High-Performing Teams
- Accountability and Goal Setting
- Why Be a Leader?
- The Work of Leadership
- Take Flight with DISC
- Leading with Emotional Intelligence
- Leadership Styles and Behaviors
- Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Organization
- Lactancia materna y manejo de la leche materna
- Breastfeeding and Human Milk Management
- Managing Sinus Infections
- Esophageal Achalasia: Like People, Not All Sphincters Can Relax
- COVID with Dr. Paul Offit
- Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder
- Fetal Fireside: Respecting the Unexpected - Patient Guided Collaborative Counseling in the Setting of a Life-Threatening Fetal Diagnosis
- Rehabilitation for Vision Diagnoses in the Concussed Patient
- Post-Traumatic Headache in Children (Patterson Gentile 2023)
- Multimodal Approach to Rehabilitation and Management of Concussion
- Neuropsychology’s Role and the Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Psychosocial Factors
- Acute Concussion Evaluation and Management
- Objective Assessments on the Cutting Edge of Concussion Care
- Concussion Research and Implications for Clinical Care
- CHOP Global Health Nursing Fellowships
- Pediatric Trauma: They are not just ‘Little Adults’
- Intellectual Disability and Organ Transplantation: An Ethical Analysis
- Fetal Fireside: What Placental Pathology Adds to a (Fetal) Center
- And Now, a Word from Our Patients: Psychosocial and Palliative Care Considerations in Pediatric Advanced Heart Disease
- Our Playbook: Lessons from the National Football League to Neurosurgery and Beyond
- Choosing the Right Words: The Importance of Language for Successful Child Life Interventions
- Late Effects of Cancer Therapy and Survivorship
- Bleeding/Thrombosis
- Novel Therapies in Non-Malignant Hematology
- Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin Lymphomas
- Immune Dysregulation (Lambert 2023)
- Novel Therapies for Hemoglobinopathies
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Current Approaches and Novel Innovations
- Precision Medicine
- Support and Palliative Care
- Acute and Chronic Myeloid Leukemias
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Neuroblastoma (Desai 2023)
- How to Present a Case (Seif 2023)
- Cancer Predisposition
- Brain Tumors
- Mitigating the Negative Effects of Mistreatment on Physician and Trainee Well-Being: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Managing Challenging Patient Interactions
- One Uterus, Two Uteri, Blocked Uterus, No Uterus: Uterine Anomalies in the Adolescent
- 100 Years of Research: Bringing 'Amazingly Creative Ideas' to Discover New Gene and Cell Therapies
- Abusive Head Trauma
- Considerations in Caring for Children in Foster Care
- Does the Shoe Fit? Adult Guideline Directed Medical Therapy (GDMT) and the Failing Pediatric Heart
- It Doesn't Have to be Scary: Best Practice Recommendations for Incorporating Creativity and Compassion Into Your Care
- Intellectual Disabilities Clinical Pathway Review
- Eliminating Race-Based Medicine: Policy Implementation and Practice Implications
- Fetal Fireside: Prenatal and Postnatal Management of Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS)
- Climate Change and Pediatric Health
- The Power of Pumping
- Biostatistics
- Epidemiologic Measures of Association (MOA)
- Making Prognostic Decisions (Myers 2023)
- Evaluating Diagnostic Tests (Myers 2023)
- Program Evaluation
- Introduction to Qualitative Research
- Introduction to Data Management (Myers 2023)
- Survey Design (Myers 2023)
- Analytic Study Designs (Forke 2023)
- Descriptive Study Designs (Curry 2023)
- Center for Applied Genomics: Translating Basic Research Findings Into Medical Innovations
- 100 Years of Research: Solutions-Oriented Health Equity Research
- 100 Years of Research: Building an Environment Where People Want to Be
- 100 Years of Research: Health Equity is Everybody’s Work
- 100 Years of Research: Pursuit of Discovery ’Built In’ From Very Beginning
- 100 Years of Research: Insights Into Evolution of Vaccine Development
- 100 Years of Research: From the Basement to a Bird’s Eye View
- Elijah’s Story: Navigating a Medical Mystery
- Tenlee’s Story: Thriving After a Heart Transplant
- Kareem’s Story: Advocating for Trauma-Informed Care
- Hannah’s Story: Moving Beyond Blindness
- Emily’s Story: Celebrating 10 Years Cancer Free
- Principles of Pediatric Surgery and Trauma Nutrition
- Pediatric Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound: Microbubbles with Mighty Impact
- Ovarian Tumors in Children and Growing Teratoma Syndrome
- Neighborhoods and Children’s Health
- The Importance of Social Networks, Social Norms, and Attitudes in Infant Care Practice Decisions
- Teaching Therapeutic Skills to Families of Adolescents
- Fetal Fireside: Fetal Encephalocele
- Getting to Know Genetic Syndromes with Endocrine Manifestations
- Polycystic Kidney Disease and Ciliopathies
- Diabetes Review
- Possibilities of Pituitary Function
- Let’s Talk About Thyroid Conditions
- Kidney Transplantation in Children and Post Transplant Outcomes
- Alport Syndrome
- Hypertension in Adolescents and Young Adults
- Adrenal Review (Calabria 2023)
- Lupus Nephritis
- Bone Review
- Calcium Review
- Writing a Scientific Article 101
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Pearls About Puberty
- Growth: Birth Through Puberty (Bamba 2023)
- Sustainability and Resilience: Striving and Thriving in Pediatric Palliative Care (Parikh 2023)
- Pediatric Palliative Care Program Development
- Supporting Teams
- The Family Meeting
- Bereavement in Pediatric Palliative Care (Spellman 2023)
- Pediatric Palliative Care and Hospice in the Community
- Moans, Groans, and Grumbles
- Level Up: Advanced Pain Management and Palliative Sedation
- Dyspnea and Pain Symptoms in Children with Serious Neurologic Injury
- Palliative Care Approaches to Pain
- What Will It Look Like? Signs and Symptoms of End of Life
- Cultural Humility and Psychosocial Assessment
- Pediatric Palliative Care Assessment
- Introduction to Pediatric Palliative Care (Parikh 2023)
- A Common Vision of Accelerated Genomic Research Discovery: 100,000 Genomes and the BIG Initiative
- Anxiety with Food Allergies
- Two-Step Evaluation for Pediatric Appendicitis on MRI
- Debriefing
- The Journey of Single Ventricle Heart Disease
- Genetic Diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease: Key Role of the Muscle Biopsy
- Fetal Fireside: Douglas A. Canning Memorial Lecture: Bladder Exstrophy and MIBEC
- Mental Health and Congenital Heart Disease: A Review
- Early Management of Pediatric Trauma
- Numbing the Pain and Comfortably Numb
- Advocacy: Making an Impact on Pediatric Healthcare
- I Had to Survive: How a Plane Crash in the Andes Inspired My Calling to Save Lives
- Epilepsy Education Day
- Managing Pediatric Migraine Headaches in Primary Care
- Mitochondrial Medicine in the Pandemic Era
- Talking the Talk: Everyday Equity and the Science of Communication
- Neonatal Hypoglycemia and Congenital Hyperinsulinism
- So You Think You Know Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Therapy (ECMO)…
- What is Immune Dysregulation? And What is It Not?
- Urticaria and Angioedema
- Atopic Dermatitis and Contact Dermatitis
- Nutritional Considerations in Pediatric Patients with Atopy
- Asthma Management
- Asthma Mimickers (Ruffner 2023)
- Definitive Therapies for Immunodeficiency
- Precision Medicine in Immunodeficiency
- Genetic Evaluation for Immunodeficiency
- Functional Evaluation for Immunodeficiency
- Oral Food Challenges
- Non-Immunoglobulin E (Non-IgE) Mediated Food Allergy
- The Atopic March and Natural History of Allergic Diseases
- Food Therapeutics
- Anaphylaxis (Brown-Whitehorn 2023)
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Mediated Food Allergy
- Preventing Weight-Based Harm in the Primary Care Setting
- Evaluation of the Newborn with Stridor
- Ending AIDS in Children: What Have We Learnt and Future Directions
- Howling into the Wind: Is it Time to Abandon Research on Interprofessional Collaboration and Education?
- Building on The Strengths of Youth Who Have Endured Hardships
- COVID-19 Vaccines for Children
- New Learners, New Landscape: A Clerkship Director’s Perspective on Pediatric Medical Student Education
- Approach to Acute Malaria in Ghana
- Utilization of Aerosolized Medications in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (sBPD): Evidence vs. Eminence-Based Medicine
- Assessment of Hearing in Children with Chronic Lung Disease: Tiny Patients, Big Challenges
- BALs & BPD: A Single Institution's Approach to Diagnosis and Management of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Severe BPD
- Lost in Translation: Bridging the Gap Between Parent and Provider
- Disability Awareness: How to improve communication and care for patients with disabilities
- PEM Boards: Pearls from Dr. Craig Huang
- Immune Deficiency vs. Immune Dysregulation: How do we begin to wrap our heads around these patients?
- Hirschsprung's Disease: Relax. We'll Pull Through This Together
- Surgical Management of Disorders of Lymphatic Flow
- Congenital Duodenal Obstruction: A Case Study
- Ear, Knee, and Throat Cartilage: Cross-Talk Across Specialties
- No Guts, No Glory: Rewriting the Story
- Esophageal Atresia: Post Operative Therapies and Long Term Care
- Pulmonary Hypertension Management in Pulmonary Hypoplasia
- 500 Cases of Cryoanalgesia: Current and Historical Understanding of Cryoanalgesia
- Complex Esophageal and Airway Surgery in Infants and Children
- Liver Tumors in Children
- Anesthesia for Fetal Surgery: What’s Going on Back There?
- Cloacal Anomalies and Imperforate Anus and the Importance of Teams
- Translational Research in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH): New Frontiers
- Management of Congenital Lung Lesions
- Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
- FetOpera: Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida
- From a Foot in the Door to a Seat at the Table: Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Leadership
- Adolescent Gynecologic Emergencies
- Approach to Oral Rehydration Therapy in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Ghana
- Behavioral Health Case Studies in Primary Care
- Hyperbilirubinemia: A Review of Updated Guidelines
- Pediatric Lung Lesions: The When, How, and Why
- Home Care Ventilation Program
- Quality Improvement: Tools and Technology
- Pediatric Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Strategies
- Imaging and Risk Stratification of Neuroblastoma
- Pediatric Renal Tumors (Srinivasan 2022)
- Pediatric Liver Tumors
- Pediatric Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumors: An Overview
- Pediatric Fluoroscopy and Alternates
- Common Pediatric Ultrasound
- Imaging of Vascular Anomalies
- Pediatric Appendicitis
- The Limping Child
- Central Nervous System (CNS) Trauma Imaging: Accidental and Non-Accidental Trauma
- Pediatric Gastrointestinal (GI)/Genitourinary (GU) Emergencies
- Pediatric Shortness of Breath
- Introduction to Pediatric Radiology Course
- Fetal Fireside: Prenatal Diagnosis and Management of Hydrops
- Care Model Frontiers — Harnessing the Power of Community for Health
- Frontiers in Mental Health — Using the Friendship Bench to Harness the Power of Community
- Current Frontiers in Global Child Health — Perspectives from Botswana and the Dominican Republic
- Current Frontiers in Global Child Health — The Ghana Perspective
- Transport Medicine
- No Time to Waste: Surgical Emergencies in Children
- The Eyes Have It: The Red Hot Eye
- Don’t Play with Fire: Emergency Department (ED) Burn Management
- 2 Children with Limp
- Lower Airway Emergencies
- Case Presentation: Approach to the Sick Neonate
- Pediatric Rashes
- Cervical Spine Trauma in Children
- Let’s Use Our Heads: Pediatric Head Trauma
- Pediatric Intubation
- Selection of Intubation Medications
- Upper Airway Obstruction
- Peanuts and Treenuts and Stridor, Oh My! Anaphylaxis in Children
- Pediatric Hand Emergencies
- Kawasaki Disease vs. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
- Pediatric Status Epilepticus
- The Febrile Young Infant (FYI)
- Sex-Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Youth: The CHOP Adolescent Protection Collaborative (APC) Clinic
- Non-Invasive Ventilation and High-Flow Nasal Cannula in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Failure
- Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Series
- A Resources Roadmap to Recovery in the Greater Philadelphia Area: Session 4
- PECARN Head Trauma
- Disruptive Behavior in Primary Care
- Bridging Worlds – Science, Meaning and Mystery: Reflections of an MD Chaplain
- 3D-Image Derived Precision Medicine in Congenital Heart Disease: Valves and Beyond
- Is That a Bull’s Eye? Is Tick-testing a Thing? And More!: Tips for Recognizing Lyme Disease
- SMART Therapy for Asthma: A Review and Practical Tips
- Cardiovascular Disease in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Envisioning Our Future Partner in Health Care: Could it be the EHR?
- Genomic Discoveries & Precision Medicine-Based Impact of the Center for Applied Genomics at CHOP Over the Past 16 Years
- Buprenorphine Induction Beyond the Basics: Session 3
- The Role of a Trauma Informed Approach to Leadership
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Translational Approaches to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges
- CARE: Check-In, Check-Out (CICO)
- Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Meningitis in Ghana
- CARE: CBT for Anxiety Treatment in Schools (CATS)
- RISE: CBT for Anxiety Treatment in Schools (CATS)
- A Review of Primary Care Management of GERD
- CHOP Chats Oct 2022: King of Prussia Hospital Update with Dr. Allison Ballantine
- The Use of Narrative Practices in Health Equity Education
- Donor Options for Pediatric Liver Transplantation
- 3rd Annual Mitochondrial Medicine Education Day
- 1st Annual Mitochondrial Medicine Education Day
- Adolescent Opioid Use Disorder: Session 2
- The Pediatric Impact of the Opioid Crisis: Session 1
- Frontiers in Race, Equity and Decolonization in Global Child Health — Pediatric Medical Educator Perspective
- Frontiers in Race, Equity and Decolonization in Global Child Health — Tristate Community Perspective
- Frontiers in Race, Equity and Decolonization in Global Child Health — Perspectives from Botswana and Ethiopia
- Helping Cognitively Gifted Patients
- CFTR Modulators: Transformative Medicines for Cystic Fibrosis
- Diagnosing Lupus
- Lifetime Earning Potential in Pediatrics - Gender Disparities and Role in Workforce Distribution
- Comparison of NIPPV and Bubble CPAP with an In Line High Frequency Interrupter in a Premature Infant Lung Model
- Care Quality Differs for Moderate and Late Preterm Infants by NICU Level
- CHOP Chats Sep 2022: King of Prussia Hospital Update with Dr. Allison Ballantine
- RISE: Coping Power Program
- CARE: Coping Power Program
- Pediatric Sleep Problems: Practical Guidance for Common Concerns in Outpatient Care
- Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in Black Families
- Meetings and Retreats
- Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times (Docimo 2020)
- Leading Towards Value: Innovation and Creativity
- Vision and Motivation (Fieldston 2020)
- Effective Feedback (Switalski 2020)
- Promoting Change (Switalski 2020)
- Emotional Intelligence (DeRusso 2020)
- Leadership Challenges and Competencies
- CARE: Barriers to Intervention Implementation
- CARE: Managing Child Therapy Groups
- CARE: Red Flags and Screening
- RISE: Managing Child Therapy Groups
- RISE: Red Flags and Screening
- Crafting a Career in Innovation at the Intersection of Technology & Healthcare
- Fetal Therapy: Developmental Opportunities as a Driver of Innovation
- Swimmer’s Ear or Something Worse?: A Review of Otorrhea for the Primary Care Physician
- Benefits of Youth Sports Participation
- Developing Novel Risk Factors in Congenital Heart Disease and Cardiac Arrest
- Medical Informatics: Quality Improvement
- Autoimmune Encephalitis Updates
- NeuroID Cases
- Neurologic Manifestations of Acute COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome of Childhood (MIS-C)
- Diagnostic Roadmap for Evaluation of Neuropathy
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy: In the Era of Therapeutic Revolutions
- Muscular Dystrophies: Update
- Common Neuromuscular Symptoms and Diagnostic Approach
- Refractory Epilepsy
- Pediatric Epilepsy (Molisani 2022)
- Infantile Spasms
- Psychiatry for the Neurologist
- Migraine Updates – New and Old
- Weird Baby Movements
- Machine Learning in Medicine
- Medical Education and Thinking in the Age of the EHR
- Information Retrieval and Standards
- Capacity Building
- Public and Population Health Informatics
- Medical Informatics: Ethics and Unintended Consequences I
- Medical Informatics: Project and Change Management
- Clinical Informatics: Ethics and Unintended Consequences II
- Clinical Informatics: System Selection and Implementation
- Clinical Informatics: Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
- Clinical Decision Support
- Human Factors
- Maturity Models in Digital Health
- Digital Health Data in the Dominican Republic
- Data Acquisition and Storage
- Implementation Science and Evaluation
- Introduction to Biomedical Informatics
- Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children: The Ghanaian Approach to Diagnosis and Management
- Trauma Bootcamp 2022
- Beyond the Basics: Pearls to Prescribing SSRIs
- Fetal Fireside: Cleft Lip and Palate
- Climate Change and Children's Health
- The Neurologist Perspective: Optimizing Care for Neuromuscular Disorders in Children
- Recognizing and Responding to Pediatric Eating Disorders (2022)
- Neuroimmune Disorders in Pediatrics: An Update on Diagnosis and Current Strategies for Management
- Evaluation and Management of Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancer in 2022
- CHOP Chats June 2022: King of Prussia Hospital Update with Dr. Allison Ballantine
- Advanced Pediatric Thyroid Cancer; is It Time for a Paradigm Shift in Care?
- Challenges and Promises of In Utero Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders (Spanish)
- Managing Oral Allergy Syndrome in the Primary Care Setting
- Emergency Room or Not?
- Sleep-related Death in Infants Is Common and Preventable
- Conjoined Twins' Separation Story
- Psychology-based Interventions Help Kids with Chronic Pain
- Fetal Fireside: Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
- Influence of Genetic Information on Neonatologists' Decisions
- Clinical Effectiveness of Telemedicine-Based Pediatric Genetics Care
- Family History of Asthma Influences Outpatient Respiratory Outcomes in Children with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Global Health - Part 1
- Pulmonary Physiology
- Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
- Updates on the Management of Pediatrics Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Infant Apnea
- Chronic Pulmonary Aspiration in Children
- All That Wheezes is Not Asthma: Airway Masqueraders
- Foreign Body Aspiration: the Pulmonologist’s Role
- Chest Wall and Spine Disorders
- Non Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
- Pulmonary Hypertension for the Pulmonologist
- Chronic Lung Disease of Childhood (Fierro 2022)
- Pulmonary Cases
- Broad Use of Pulmonary Function Testing
- Polysomnography (Tauber 2022)
- GI Bleeding (Mamula 2022)
- Dysphagia Vomiting Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- Cholestasis Neonatal Cholestatic Liver Diseases Neonatal Hepatitis, Biliary Atresia and Alagille Syndrome
- Not All Foreign Bodies Are Created Equal (Mamula 2022)
- Pediatric GI Pathology (Liacouras 2022)
- Short Gut Syndrome: Part II
- Viral Hepatitis: A, B, C, D, E… Virology, Diagnosis, Treatment – an Overview
- Pancreatitis
- Liver Failure in Infancy and Beyond: Dialysis and Therapy 2022
- EGID Stomach & Upper Tract Disorders
- Short Gut Syndrome: Part I
- Genetic and Metabolic Liver Diseases: Principles, Overview, Diagnosis, Mechanisms
- Pediatric IBD Etiology and Presentation (Mamula 2022)
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- How to Present a Case (Liacouras 2022)
- Cystic Fibrosis
- GI Polyps in Children (Mamula 2022)
- Metabolic Outliers in Human Disease
- Building Bridges for Care Across the Lifespan
- Pediatric Upper Extremity Fractures (Shah 2022)
- Congenital Lower Limb Deformity
- Early Onset Scoliosis (Anari 2022)
- Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Debate
- Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (Anari 2022)
- Gait
- Woman and Gender Aspects in Orthopedics and Trauma
- Lower Extremity Surgery for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Evaluation and Management of Brachial Plexus Birth Injury (BPBI)
- Cardiovascular Risk in Kidney Disease
- Pediatric Lower Extremity Fractures (Anari 2022)
- Pediatric Orthopedic History and Physical Exam
- Fetal Fireside: Perinatal Palliative Care
- Management of the Pediatric Difficult Airway
- Why I Am Afraid of Babies
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Shock and Hypotension
- Vascular Access: Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- Respiratory Compromise in Infants with Ventral Abdominal Wall Defects
- Meconium Ileus and Intussusception
- Critical Care Topics for the Pediatric Anesthesiologist
- Medication Safety: Preventable Events in OR and ICU
- Pediatric Point of Care Ultrasound
- Anesthesia Induced Neonatal Hypotension
- Pediatric Procedural Sedation (McClung Pasqualino 2022)
- Sedative Strategies for Patient with Cardiac Disease After Cardiac Surgery
- An Approach for Difficult Conversations and Strong Emotions
- Pediatric Trauma
- Acute Burn Trauma
- Pediatric Anesthesia Controversies
- Cardiac ICU Potpourri
- Anesthesia for In-Utero Surgery
- Lymphatics Imaging and Intervention in the 21st Century
- The Cases that Take YOUR Breath Away: The Critical Airway
- The Genetics of the Epilepsies
- Role of Rehabilitation in Abnormal Gait
- Rheumatologic Emergencies
- Gene-Targeted Therapies of Neuromuscular Disorders: An Update on SMA and DMD
- My Own Medicine: Lessons Learned en Route to Remission
- Where Are We on the Equity Journey?
- Dialysis in the Neonate
- Fetal Myelomeningocele Closure
- Management of Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis
- ARM: Beyond the Acronym
- Pancreatic Tumors in Childhood
- Pediatric Urology Considerations for the Pediatric Surgeon: UDT, Hernia, Circumcision
- Making the Case for Adolescent Bariatric Surgery
- Transforming Medical Education to Improve Learning, Patient Care, and Health System Outcomes
- Neuroblastoma (McGovern 2021)
- Pediatric Trauma Resuscitation: Recognizing Danger and Avoiding Pitfalls
- A VATS Conspiracy! Thoracoscopy, Thoracostomy, and the Fallacy of the One Best Way
- Crohns Disease in the Pediatric Population
- A Tale of Two Fellows Part I
- Precociousness and the Surgeon
- What Every Surgeon Needs to Know About Child Abuse
- Promoting Change (Switalski 2021)
- Pediatric Kidney Transplantation: The Surgical Perspective
- Suicide Prevention in Pediatric Primary Care - Part 2
- Turner Syndrome: The (Missing) X Files
- Advances in Fertility Preservation for Pediatric and Adolescent Cancer Patients
- It’s Not Easy Being Green: Past, Present, and Future Neonatal Surgical Service
- The Surgeon's Perspective on Biliary Atresia
- Autism
- Inequities in Chlamydia Screening
- Updated Developmental Milestones
- When Social Skills Are a Struggle: How the Primary Care Pediatrician Can Help
- Evaluating Neutropenia in Primary Care: CBC Basics, Red Flags and More
- "Do What You Love": Finding Medicines for Rare Diseases
- "I’ve Always Loved to Ask Why": The Power of Mitochondrial Medicine
- "There Was an Unmet Need": Breakthroughs in Endocrinology
- "We Have So Many Spine-Tingling Moments": Treating Birth Defects Before Birth
- "Research Is Our North Star": The Future of Breakthroughs at CHOP
- Discovered: Making Breakthroughs in Cardiac Care
- Inspired: Building a World-Class Hospital, Close to Home
- Realized: Delivering on the Promise of Gene Therapy
- Transformed: Repairing Birth Defects Before Birth
- Sequenced: Using Genetics to Solve Medical Mysteries
- Where We Are Now with Dr. Paul Offit: Vaccines
- Where We Are Now with Dr. Edward Behrens: MIS-C
- Where We Are Now with Dr. Audrey Odom John: Research
- Where We Are Now with Dr. Rebecca Harris: Testing
- Where We Are Now with Dr. David Rubin: Modeling
- Where We Are Now with Dr. Susan Coffin: Transmission
- The Research and Lab of the Future with Dr. Beverly Davidson
- Using Technology to Fuel Breakthroughs: A Conversation with Dr. Bimal Desai
- Minds Matter: A Concussion Discussion with Dr. Christina Master
- Fueling Breakthroughs: Leonard Abramson
- Brain Tumor Awareness Month with Dr. Storm and Dr. Resnick
- Eagles Autism Challenge
- Pediatric Lymphatic Imaging and Interventions and Lymphatic Research: Dr. Yoav Dori
- Center for Applied Genomics: Dr. Hakon Hakonarson
- Female Scientists Part 2: Advice To Aspiring Scientists
- Female Scientists Part 1: Behind The Breakthroughs
- Separating Conjoined Twins: Dr. Gregory Heuer and Dr. Jesse Taylor
- Dr. Lucy Rorke-Adams: A Pioneer in Neuropathology
- Pediatric Behavioral Health and Suicide Prevention
- Gene Therapy and Bone Marrow Transplants for Sickle Cell Disease
- Wawa President & CEO and CHOP Corporate Council Co-Chair Chris Gheysens
- CAR T-Cell Immunotherapy for Cancer
- Pediatric Lower Extremity Deformity: Assessment and Intervention
- The Interconnectedness of Professional Well-being with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Genome-First Approaches to Identify Disease Risk in Diverse Populations
- The Crisis of Children’s Mental Health: A Call to Action
- Fetal Fireside: Myelomeningocele (MMC)
- COVID-19 Vaccines in Children
- Your Craniofacial Journey: Questions to Ask Your Care Team
- Prune Belly
- Posterior Urethral Valves
- Urinary Incontinence
- Cloacal and Bladder Exstrophy (Long 2021)
- Neuropathic Bladder and Myelomeningocele (Long 2021)
- Adolescent Varicocele (Kolon 2021)
- Pediatric Urologic Oncology (Kolon 2021)
- Differences of Sex Development (Kolon 2021)
- Imperforate Anus, Urogenital Sinus and Cloaca
- Cryptorchidism (Kolon 2021)
- Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma (Tasian 2021)
- Laparoscopy and Robotics (Tasian 2021)
- Pediatric Nephrolithiasis (Tasian 2021)
- Office Based Pediatric Urology (Tasian 2021)
- Pediatric Urologic Emergencies (Tasian 2021)
- Teamwork in Pediatric Trauma (Spanish)
- Re-Imagining Pediatric Ambulatory Care: The Possibilities Are Endless
- COVID-19 Impacts on the Care of Neonates
- Evaluation of the Child With Difficulty Walking
- Lung Imaging in Children With COVID-19
- Initial Approach to Pediatric Trauma Patients and Impact of COVID
- Pediatric Respiratory Illness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Psychopharmacology in Medically Ill Children
- Resuscitation: Improving Care Amidst the Chaos
- Multidisciplinary Care of the Infant/Parent Dyad Affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome
- Pediatric Depression in Primary Care
- In the Shadow of Illness: The Quest for Meaning in the Loss of a Child
- Humanism in Medicine Lectureship - Kindness: It's Still Here
- Reflections on a Career in Global Health
- CHOP Chats Feb 2022: King of Prussia Hospital Update with Dr. Allison Ballantine
- Host Defense Against Fungi: From the Bench to the Bedside
- Primary Care in the Opioid Epidemic: Supporting NAS and NOWS Babies and Their Moms
- Severe Asthma
- Introduction to Neuropsychological Evaluation Services
- Hip Preservation: Overview and Treatment
- Transitioning From Acute to Chronic Ventilator Strategies
- Pulmonary Lymphatic Abnormalities in Neonates
- Improving Learning, Patient, and Health System Outcomes with Competency-Based Medical Education
- Drop by Drop, We Make a River: Welcoming Afghan Children to Philadelphia
- The Management of Children with Complex Urologic Disease
- Infant Nutrition: Are Your Newborn and Infant Patients Getting Enough Vitamin D and Iron?
- Urologic Problems and Emergencies in the Newborn
- Reflections on an Academic Career Doing HIV Prevention Work with Sexual and Gender Minority Youth
- Care of the Child Dependent on Respiratory Technology
- ADHD 2.0: Pediatricians' Roles in Managing ADHD for Children and Adolescents
- New Concepts in Childhood Growth
- Suicide Prevention at CHOP – The Journey to Zero Suicide
- Managing Anxiety in the Primary Care Setting
- Creative Approaches to Connection
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Leukodystrophy Complex Care Conference
- Diagnosing and Managing Disruptive Disorders in the Primary Care Setting
- Biobehavioral Treatments for Pediatric Migraine & Headache: Managing Stress and Resources - A Talk for Behavioral Health Providers
- Biobehavioral Treatments for Pediatric Migraine & Headache - A Talk for Behavioral Health Providers
- Behavioral Treatments and Resources for Pediatric Migraine & Headache - A Talk for Parents
- Stress and Mood Symptoms in Pediatric Migraine and Headache – A Talk for Parents
- New Surgical and Medical Approaches to Pediatric Brain Tumors
- FPIES: A Complex Allergy with Serious Health Effects in Babies
- Pediatric Partners COVID-19 Town Hall: Current State, Omicron Variant, Vaccines, and Preparing for the Holidays
- Vaccine Conversations: Why Do Unvaccinated People Pose a Risk to Vaccinated People?
- Vaccine Conversations: Vaccines and Breastfeeding
- Vaccine Conversations: What We Know About Vaccines, the Immune System and Autoimmunity
- Pediatric Bone Health: Recommendations & Resources for Suspected Bone Disorders
- Molecular Medicine in Solid Tumors
- New Developments in Pediatric Lymphoma Treatment
- Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation
- Food Allergy and Eczema — Is There a Connection?
- Fetal Fireside: Fetal/Neonatal Renal Failure
- Brachial Plexus Birth Injuries and Congenital Hand & Upper Limb Anomalies
- Long-term Pulmonary Outcomes of Children with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Understanding Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Management
- Concussions
- Collaborative Approach to the Management and Evaluation of Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis (FPIES)
- Acute vs. Chronic Pancreatitis: Diagnosis, Dilemmas and Management
- Grief in Children: How to Recognize Its Effects and Help Patients
- Pediatric Procedural Sedation, Analgesia & Anxiolysis
- Altered Mental Status in the Very Young
- Child Abuse: A Case Series
- Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies: Asthma and Bronchiolitis
- Is There Going to be a Scar? Steps for a Beautiful Repair
- Chest Pain in Children
- Common ED Procedures
- Family Presence During Resuscitation
- Pediatric Electrocardiograms (ECGs)
- Brief Resolved Unexplained Event
- Acute Abdomen in Children
- How to Improve Medical Diagnosis and Combat Cognitive Bias
- Visual Diagnosis and Rapid Cases
- Fever in the Returned Traveler
- The Judicious Use of Antibiotics in the ED
- Bioresponse
- Advancing Health Equity through Advocacy
- Literacy Promotion: The Next Chapter
- Rationale for Fetal Myelomeningocele (MMC) Surgery
- Pulmonary Hypertension in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
- Impact of the Pandemic on Child Development Globally
- Addressing the Needs of Children in Africa - Now and Post-Pandemic
- Precisely Practicing Medicine from 700 Trillion Points of Health Data
- Neuropsychological Late Effects of Pediatric Cancer Treatment
- Fetal Fireside: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
- A Pediatric Surgical Roundtable with General Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Urology
- What's New in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) Research, Diagnosis and Treatment
- COVID Update: Vaccines for 5-11 Year Olds
- 2nd Annual Mitochondrial Medicine Education Day
- Bronchiolitis
- A Review of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome: Pulmonary Problems Related to Chest and Spine Deformity in Children
- Surgical Options for Children with Ulcerative Colitis or Familial Polyposis
- Navigating Behavioral Health Systems
- eHealth Interoperability Approaches in Botswana
- The Promise of mHealth & Telemedicine in Botswana
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Trauma-sensitive Communication
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Counseling
- Contraception Initiation
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
- Psychosocial History
- 5 Points on Eating Disorders
- Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
- Real-world Nutrition Tips for the Primary Care Setting
- Violence Prevention in Pediatrics
- Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy in Children
- Updates in Pediatric Headache Diagnosis and Treatments
- Navigating the School Environment as a Primary Care Practitioner
- Pediatric Partners COVID-19 Town Hall: Facing the 2021-22 Fall/Winter Challenges in Pediatrics
- Anxiety Around Food Allergies & Maintaining A Healthy Safe Balance
- Returning to Sports for Elite Youth Athletes
- Childhood Anxiety 1.0
- Childhood Anxiety 2.0
- Oral Food Challenge Program & Oral Immunotherapy Clinic
- Picture This: Incorporating Visual Art into Practice
- Covid in Israel
- Simulation
- Pediatric Lung Transplantation
- Curative Therapies for Bone Marrow Failure
- Complications of Prematurity
- Pediatric Critical Care Cases
- Introduction to Complex Care (Mazzeo 2021)
- Pediatric Neurology for the Non-Neurologist
- Hirschsprung’s Disease
- Surgical Management of Constipation
- Congenital Abdominal Wall Defects
- Pediatric Lung Transplant Over the Years
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
- Surgical Management of Lymphatic Flow Disorders
- The Lows and Highs of Hyperinsulinism
- ABCs of Pediatric Surgery
- Pediatric Palliative Care in Pediatric Surgery: Communication Tools and Collaboration
- Pediatric Pilonidal Disease
- Meckel’s Diverticulum and Intussusception
- Short Bowel Syndrome: The Next Generation
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Remembering the Other Parent: Postpartum Depression in Dads and Partners
- Is It Broken?: Managing Suspected Extremity Fractures in the Primary Care Setting
- Critical Care Case Studies in the Community
- Catheter-based Interventions — Standards for a New Approach
- New Therapies for Heart Failure in Children
- Improving Outcomes for Infants with Congenital Heart Disease
- Introduction to Sickle Cell Disease
- Immunotherapy for Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Pneumonia
- Reducing National Variation in Congenital Heart Surgery Outcomes
- Shoulder Instability, Hip/Knee Sports Injury and Overuse Injuries
- The Patient-Specific Revolution in Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
- Evaluation of Pediatric Chest Pain
- So you want to be an Anesthesiologist?
- Congenital Hydronephrosis and Hypospadias: A Primer in Pediatric Urology
- A 21st Century Approach to Fever in Infants and Young Children
- Chronic Kidney Disease in Children
- Care and Management of Patients with a Tracheostomy
- Epilepsy and Functional Neurosurgery
- The Healthcare Landscape of Philadelphia
- Pediatric Epilepsy (Kessler 2021)
- The Approach to the Pediatric Trauma Patient
- Global Surgery is Global Health
- Pediatric Radiology: Basics and Cases
- Introduction to Pediatric Radiology: Imaging the Future
- Sneezes, Wheezes, and Coughs! Common Pediatric Respiratory Conditions
- General Pediatrics Potpourri: Common Conditions Affecting the Neonate, Infant, and Child
- Shock in the First Month of Life
- Overview of Congenital Heart Disease
- Heart Care Before Birth: Where Are We Now and What Does the Future Hold?
- Caring for the Older Chronic Lung Disease Patient
- The FFLOAT Trial for BPD
- When is CLD not just BPD?
- Caring for Infants with Chronic Lung Disease at the Bedside: A Nurse's Perspective
- Unplanned Extubation Management and Prevention Strategies in the Chronic Lung Patient
- Defining Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia - Past, Present and Future
- Hypothalamic Obesity in Children & Adolescents
- Urgent Care Issues in Pediatrics: Orthopedic and ENT Perspectives
- Proton and Modern Radiation Therapy for Treatment of Brain and Other Solid Tumors
- Communication Session 3: Conducting a Family Meeting
- Recent Research in Palliative Care
- Ethical Issues in Pediatric Palliative Care
- Communication Session 2
- Communication Session 1: Giving Serious News
- Sustainability and Resilience: Striving and Thriving in Pediatric Palliative Care (Parikh 2017)
- Pediatrics Palliative Care Program Development
- Caring for the Dying Child
- Illustrating the Art of Pain and Symptom Management Using a Case of a Patient with Cancer
- Pharmacologic Approaches to Pain: Opioids
- Bereavement in Pediatric Palliative Care (Dombrowski 2017)
- Navigating Communication and Death and Dying in the Pediatric Setting
- Support of Parents and Anticipatory Grief
- Psychosocial Assessments in Pediatric Palliative Care
- Cardiac Case Study Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Non-Opioids and Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Pain Management
- Pediatric Assessment
- Palliative Care of the Child with Severe Neurological Impairment – Part 2
- Introduction to Pediatric Palliative Care (Hwang 2017)
- Acne (Lockwood 2021)
- Getting Itchy With It: What to Know About Lice and Scabies in the Primary Care Setting
- Transport
- Contemporary ALL Therapy and What is on the Horizon
- Heart Failure in Congenital Heart Disease
- Managing the Respiratory Needs of Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
- Exertional Illness: The Challenge of Prevention in Athletes and Warfighters
- Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome
- Addressing Women Physician Burnout Benefits Everyone
- Tackling Pediatric Infections in Low-Resource Settings
- Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Diagnosis, Management, and the Future
- Effective Online Learning by Design
- Pediatric HIV – A Clinician’s Journey
- Toxicology
- Feeding Concerns in Children
- Effective Communication with Patients with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
- Menstruation and Period Poverty
- Responding to a Medical Emergency
- Hazardous Materials at CHOP
- Fire Safety at CHOP
- Emergency Preparedness
- Compliance at CHOP
- Infection Prevention and Controls
- CHOP Policy Attestation
- HIPAA and Patient Privacy at CHOP
- Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Hyperinsulinism (Spanish)
- Managing Treatment Resistant Epilepsy
- Effective Behavioral Strategies to Address Common Problems
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (Jackel 2021)
- Developmental, Language and Learning Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Principles, Screening, and Assessment
- Type 2 Diabetes in Youth: Who’s at Risk, How to Screen, and What to Do
- Innovation & Creativity
- Welcome to the Sleep Center
- Suicide Prevention in Pediatric Primary Care
- Pediatric Salivary Gland Disorders
- The Case for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Overview
- Safer Systems & Safety Investigations 1: ACA, RCA, FMEA
- Creating a Project Charter
- Project Management (Anne Kell 2018)
- Introduction to Lean Principles
- Understanding the Current State
- Measurement - Part 1
- Measurement - Part 2
- Safety Investment at CHOP and Fellows' Institutions
- Aicardi Goutieres Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management
- Pediatric Fracture Care: Pearls and Pitfalls
- Neurogenetics: The Next Frontier (Spanish)
- Environmental Pediatrics: A Conversation with Leo Trasande
- The Addiction Inoculation: Preventing Drug and Alcohol Problems in Kids
- Balancing Act: Assessing Vestibular Disorders in Pediatric Primary Care
- Small Group Teaching: Pearls and Pitfalls
- Using Technology to Teach
- Learner Assessment & Remediation: Systems to Help All Learners Thrive
- Instructional Design: Linking the “How” with the “What”
- Optimizing Feedback (Barnes 2021)
- Ten Tips to Enhance Teaching on Rounds (Barnes 2021)
- Key Theories & Frameworks of Adult Learning and Teaching
- The Adult Learner (Rezet 2021)
- Characteristics of a Good Teacher
- Medical Education: An Introduction
- Sickle Cell Disease
- The Febrile Infant
- Blunt Abdominal Trauma
- The Gamut of NICU Liver Issues
- The New NAEPP Asthma Guidelines Are Out! What Do We Do Now?
- House Call: Abington Virtual "Welcome to the Neighborhood" Tour
- Pediatric Procedural Sedation (Pete Devon 2021)
- Technology in Children with Medical Complexity
- Pediatric Teledermatology Today
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (Guevara 2021)
- Kawasaki Disease and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)
- Bacterial Infections in Pediatric Dermatology
- Children with Medical Complexity
- Developmental Screening
- The Atrioventricular Canal Defect: Elements in the Balance
- What Therapies Improve Fontan Circulation?
- Catheter-based Interventional Therapies for the Failing Fontan Circulation
- Optimizing Neurological Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease
- Exercise Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Pediatric Heart Failure
- Understanding Valve Function in Congenital Heart Disease
- Coronary Artery Anomalies — Data and Dilemmas
- The Lymphatic System and Its Importance in Congenital Heart Disease
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
- Growth: Birth Through Puberty (Bamba 2020)
- Disorders of Puberty
- Bone and Calcium Review
- Renal Transplantation
- Thyroid Disorders
- Adrenal Review (Calabria 2020)
- Congenital Abnormalities of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
- Genetic Syndromes with Endocrine Manifestations
- Evaluation of the Child with Suspected Pituitary Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus in Children
- Advances in Multi-Disciplinary Care for Children with High-Risk Neuroblastoma
- DermED Case: December 2020
- DermED Case: November 2020
- DermED Case: October 2020
- DermED Case: January 2021
- DermED Case: September 2020
- The History of QI and Improvement Methodologies (Keren 2021)
- Project Selection, Aims & Measures
- Prioritization and PDSA Cycles
- Engaging Stakeholders and an Approach to Change Leadership
- Measurement: General Concepts
- System Thinking, Patient Safety, and Demystifying a Safety Analysis
- Human Factors Engineering: Empathy Science
- Diagnostic Error & Cognitive Bias
- Patient Safety: Psychological Safety, Safety I, Safety II
- Single Ventricle Heart Defects: Introduction (Ravishankar 2021)
- Assessment and Treatment of Arrhythmias: Wide Complex Tachycardia
- Fetal Echocardiography: Diagnosis and Management
- Tetralogy of Fallot and Truncus Arteriosus
- Fontan Circulation: Early and Late Outcomes (Ravishankar 2021)
- Advances in Neuroblastoma Therapy
- Acquired Bone Marrow Failure
- Acute Leukemias
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Current State and Innovations
- Hemoglobinopathies - Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia
- Encouraging Better Learning Environments and Evaluating for Injury
- Cardiac Complications of COVID-19 in Children: How They Affect Outpatient Care Post-infection
- Intimate Partner Violence: A Mom and Survivor Shares Her Story
- Eating Disorders: An Update for Primary Care Pediatricians
- Celiac Disease: What Pediatricians Need to Know
- Medical Ethics and COVID-19 Vaccines
- Challenging Patient Behaviors
- Integrative Approaches to Treating Autism
- Teaching Health Equity through Poetry and Narrative Medicine
- Managing Food Allergies in Children
- Preventing Poisoning
- Breastfeeding Guidelines for Pediatricians
- Childhood Literacy
- Culinary Medicine
- Coronavirus and Children with Immunodeficiencies
- Managing Tics and Tic Disorders in Children
- Youth Sports and Coronavirus
- Hypermobility and Inherited Connective Tissue Disorders
- Pediatric Cancer Care During a Pandemic
- Positive Parenting During a Pandemic
- Innovation and Improvement in Pediatrics
- Newborn Care During the COVID-19 Era
- Identifying Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect in a Primary Care Setting
- Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP)
- Identifying and Treating Early Cardiovascular Disease
- Endocrine Laboratory Evaluations
- Adverse Childhood Experiences in Primary Care
- Breastfeeding Support Through an Equity Lens
- Music and the Pediatric Origins of Adult Lung Disease
- Oligo-amenorrhea in Athletes: Consequences and Management
- Navigating a Career in the Military and in Civilian Life
- A Retrospective Look at 47 Years of FASD
- Health Equity and Anti-Racism Work: How Does it Differ and How Can it Come Together
- Sepsis (2021)
- A Conversation with Dr. Paul Offit
- Status Epilepticus
- Appendicitis
- CHOP PEM Podcast Introduction
- Descriptive Study Designs (Mollen 2017)
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Quality Improvement (Mollen 2017)
- Evaluating Diagnostic Tests (Mollen 2017)
- Analytic Study Designs (Durbin 2017)
- Making Prognostic Decisions (Durbin 2017)
- Clinical Trials
- Introduction to Biostatistics
- Novel Methods of Data Collection
- Epidemiologic Measures of Association
- Introduction to Data Management (Curry 2017)
- Presenting Your Research
- Survey Design (Zonfrillo 2017)
- Research Ethics
- How to Conduct a Literature Review
- Reviewing Manuscripts
- Overview of the Clinical Research Process
- Optic Pathway Gliomas in Neurofibromatosis Type 1
- Home Care Tracheostomy Management
- Tracheostomy Suctioning
- Cancer Predisposition and Surveillance in Children and Adolescents
- Curative and Emerging Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease
- Epilepsy Neurogenetics Initiative (ENGIN)
- Coronaviridae
- Cystic Fibrosis: Microbiology and Antibiotics
- Introduction to Antibiotic Stewardship (Chiotos 2020)
- Microbiome
- Vaccine Hesitancy (Downes 2020)
- Congenital and Perinatal Infections (Downes 2020)
- Oral Antibiotic Therapy for Serious Bacterial Infections
- Fever of Unknown Origin (Bassiri 2020)
- Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children
- MRSA: Epidemics and Update
- Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
- CRE to VRE, Global Spread of Antibiotic Resistance
- Fever and Rash Syndromes (Bassiri 2020)
- Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts
- Primary Immunodeficiencies (Bassiri 2020)
- The Immune System: A Primer (Bassiri 2020)
- Continuing the COVID-19 Case Study: Interventions and Considerations
- Power, Privilege, and Racism in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Working Within the US Political System to Positively Impact Child Health
- Navigating Politics in a Middle-Income Setting like Botswana
- Gaps in the US Health Care System
- Pediatric Health from a US-Mexico Border Perspective
- Using a Human Rights Approach to Advance Immigrant and Refugee Health
- How Changing Political Priorities and Governance Affect Child Health Around the World
- Water and Politics
- The Economic Case for Investing in Global Child Health
- Nutrition and Politics: Beverage Taxes and Food Marketing
- Kids, CoVID, and Communities
- Developing a SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
- Serving the Underserved in the US: Lessons, Solutions, and Learnings
- Surgical Treatment of Hyperinsulinism
- Spanish - Pediatric Orthopedic Emergencies
- Spanish - Pediatric Oncologic Emergencies
- Spanish - Emergencies in the First Month of Life
- Spanish - ED Approach to New-onset Afebrile Seizures in Children
- Spanish: Abdominal Trauma in Children
- Brain Injury in the Preterm Infant
- Pathogenesis, Prognosis and Prevention
- Quality Improvement in the NICU
- Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Evidence Based Medicine in Neonatology
- Neonatal Shock
- Lung Protective Ventilation to Prevent BPD
- Medical Care at the Edge of Viability
- Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Neonatal Jaundice
- Simulation for Neonatal Resuscitation
- Therapeutic Hypothermia
- Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of Neonates
- What's New in Apnea of Prematurity?
- The Expanding Phenotypes of Neuroinflammatory Diseases
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Entering the Treatment Age
- Treatment Advances in Leukodystrophies
- Pediatric Epilepsy Syndromes and More
- Leukodystrophies: Can't Miss Presentations
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Other Myopathies
- Common Pediatric Neuromuscular Complaints
- Epilepsy: Beyond Seizures and Side Effects
- Pediatric Epilepsy: What to do When Medications Fail
- Infantile Spasms — Treatment and Outcome Update
- Episodic Events: Seizure or Not?
- Pediatric Epilepsy: An Overview
- Malformations of Cerebral Development
- Introduction to Brain Imaging
- Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (Anari 2019)
- Early Onset Scoliosis (Anari 2019)
- The Female Athlete and Sex Based Differences
- Upper Extremity Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Pediatric Acute and Chronic Arthritis
- Overuse Injuries in the Young Athlete (Brown 2019)
- Pediatric Lower Extremity Fractures (Anari 2019)
- Pediatric Upper Extremity Fractures (Shah 2019)
- The Pediatric Rheumatology Musculoskeletal and Laboratory Examination
- Cardiopulmonary Interactions
- Home Positive Airway Pressure
- Clinical Trials: The Essentials
- Invasive Mechanical Ventilation for CLD of Prematurity
- Chest Wall Defects
- Pediatric Asthma
- Cystic Fibrosis: Non-Pulmonary Aspects
- Polysomnography (Afolabi-Brown 2019)
- Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Preschool Spirometry and Other Preschool PFTs
- Chronic Lung Disease of Childhood (Alexiou 2019)
- Cystic Fibrosis (CF): Pulmonary Aspects
- Respiratory Physiology for the Clinician
- PET/CT and PET/MR in Pediatric Oncology
- Genitourinary (GU) Masses
- Pediatric Renal Tumors (States 2019)
- Tumors of the Pancreas and Bowel
- Liver Masses
- Bone Tumors
- Pediatric Chest Masses
- Neuroblastoma Staging
- Imaging of Brain Tumor Treatment, Complications and Follow Up
- Advanced Imaging in CNS Tumors
- Pediatric Spine Tumors
- Pediatric Orbit, Face & Neck Tumors
- Hematopoietic Tumors, Germ Cell Tumors, and Pineal Region Tumors
- Supratentorial Pediatric Brain Tumors
- Infratentorial Pediatric Brain Tumors
- Introduction to Pediatric CNS Tumor Imaging
- Ongoing Professional Development
- Databases
- Information Retrieval
- Human–Computer Interaction
- Clinical Decision Support (CDS) – Part 2
- Informatics & Quality Improvement - Part 3
- Informatics & Quality Improvement - Part 2
- Security & Privacy
- Informatics & Quality Improvement - Part 1
- Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation
- Governance, Prioritization, Communication
- Change Management
- Project Management (Desai 2019)
- Clinical Decision Support (CDS) – Part 1
- Electronic Health Record (EHR) Overview
- Introduction to Informatics
- Evaluating Our Teaching
- Teaching Procedures and Assessing Technical Competency
- Problem Learners
- First Aid for our Hearts and Minds
- Small Groups & Professionalism
- Simulation-Based Medical Education
- Mentoring (Zaoutis 2018)
- Use and Misuse of Audio-Visuals
- Curriculum Development
- Developing Goals & Objectives
- Limp and Refusal to Walk
- Physical Abuse
- Pediatric Sedation
- Factitious Disorders
- Kawasaki Disease
- Teaching Clinical Reasoning
- Potpourri of Pediatric Problems
- Physical Abuse Cutaneous Injuries
- Patient Safety
- Bronchiolitis: Diagnosis and Management
- Approach to Suspected Child Sexual Abuse
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Brief Resolved Unexplained Events
- A Primer on Research Study Designs
- Children Exposed to Violence: Neurodevelopmental Implications
- Quality Improvement (Hart 2018)
- Visual Diagnosis and Case Unknowns
- GI Polyps in Children (Mamula 2019)
- Endoscopic Stricture Therapy
- Clostridium Difficile Infection
- Viral Hepatitis
- The Role of Genetics and Immune Dysregulation in VEO-IBD
- Dysphagia Vomiting GERD
- Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
- Pediatric IBD: Therapeutic Approach
- Metabolic and Autoimmune Liver Disease
- GI Bleeding (Mamula 2019)
- Pediatric IBD Etiology and Presentation (Kelsen 2019)
- Cholestatic Liver Disease
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis and EOG
- Not All Foreign Bodies Are Created Equal (Mamula 2019)
- Pediatric GI Pathology (Liacouras 2019)
- Pediatric Orthopedic Emergencies
- ED Approach to New-onset Afebrile Seizures in Children
- Abdominal Trauma in Children
- Pediatric Oncologic Emergencies
- Emergencies in the First Month of Life
- The Athlete in Pediatric Cardiology
- Inherited Channelopathies
- Echocardiography of Coronary Arteries in Congenital Heart Disease
- Overview of Pediatric Heart Transplantation
- CHOP/HUP Jill and Mark Fishman Center for Lymphatic Disorders
- Chronic Heart Failure in Congenital Heart Disease
- Anti-Arrhythmic Drug Management of Pediatric Arrhythmias
- Updates in Fetal Echocardiography: Fetal Echo for Complex CHD
- Understanding SVT Mechanisms and Management
- Variation in Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease
- Interventions for Single Ventricle Failure
- Differentiating Benign from Malignant Syncope
- 3D Technology in the Care of Patients with CHD
- Pediatric Echocardiography
- Introduction to Congenital Heart Disease
- Quality Improvement & Family Partnership
- Vision and Hearing Loss
- Psychopharmacological Management
- Non-Traditional Treatments
- Sleep Disturbances
- Prematurity: Impact on Development & Behavior
- Motor Disabilities & Cerebral Palsy
- Elimination Disorders
- Developmental Delay & Intellectual Disability
- Language & Learning Disorders
- Trisomy 21
- Genetic Disorders & Developmental Disability
- Case Presentations (Levy 2018)
- Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
- Introduction to Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Principles of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Emergency Response Systems & Situational Awareness
- Enhanced Recovery After Pediatric Surgery
- Perioperative Care for Posterior Spine Fusion
- Anesthesia for Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery
- Pediatric Regional Anesthesia
- More Effective Teams and Improving Results
- Perioperative Bleeding and Transfusion Management in Pediatrics
- Pediatric Sepsis: Epidemiology and Importance of Bundles
- Perioperative Quality Improvement
- Improving Postoperative Care and Reducing ICU Ventilation Time
- Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (pARDS)
- Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
- Non-IgE Medicated Food Allergies and Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Urticaria
- Asthma Mimickers (Brown-Whitehorn 2020)
- Spirometry
- Primary Prevention of Food Allergy & Food Introduction
- State of the Art in Food Allergy Therapeutics
- Primary Immune Regulatory Disorders
- Combined Immunodeficiency
- Evaluation of B cell Immunodeficiency
- Primary Immunodeficiency Overview
- Managing Controversies in Adolescent Medicine
- Motivational Interviewing
- Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
- Preventing Teen Pregnancy
- Menstrual Disorders
- HIV/AIDS & Adolescents
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI): Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
- Depression Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- Substance Use in Adolescence
- Common Health Issues for Young Men
- General Adolescent Development
- Communicating with Adolescents
- US Strategies to Improve Adolescent Health