Emergency Room or Not?

Parents worry when a child hits their head. This podcast will help inform the important decisions you need to make as a primary care provider,…

Conjoined Twins’ Separation Story

When Addy and Lily Altobelli were born in CHOP’s Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit, they needed highly specialized care because they were conjoined – their…

Global Health – Part 1

Listen to experts discuss the breadth and depth of this complex field of medicine. (Part 1) A Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast to educate, enlighten and inform.…


Eron Friedlaender, MD shares her expertise as a physician and parent in caring for the child with autism in the Emergency Department. A Pediatric Emergency…

Inequities in Chlamydia Screening

Chlamydia is the most commonly reported bacterial disease in the U.S., and half of the 1.8 million cases reported in 2019 were in youth. A…

Updated Developmental Milestones

Less than a quarter of children with developmental disabilities receive early intervention services before age 3. The recent update to the “Learn the Signs: Act…