Home Care Ventilation Program

Monthly Featured Lecture
This month, we’re featuring the CHOP Home Care Ventilation Program, created to support the education of caregivers for the transition of complex ventilated patients from the inpatient setting to home. An identified knowledge gap in providing care at home for this population was recognized as a contributor to capacity constraints for ventilated patients medically ready for discharge. The target audience for this training is caregivers, parents and private duty nurses who support patients on home ventilators. These training videos are one of the many ways that CHOP Home Care is supporting the current capacity crisis and helping to ensure safe and timely discharges. Additionally, CHOP Home Care has partnered with Bayada’s Home Intensive Care Unit (HICU) program in an effort to provide further discharge support to caregivers and families of medically complex patients. CHOP Home Care developed the Ventilator Training Course with the Bayada program in mind, as well as all other involved aftercare providers. You can find similar content within our Home Care and Nursing category pages here on CHOP OPEN.