Pediatric Status Epilepticus

At the end of this session, learners will be able to understand the pediatric emergency medicine approach to status epilepticus, with specific focus on the…

The Febrile Young Infant (FYI)

At the end of this session, learners will be able to recall the evolution of management for The Febrile Young Infant (FYI) with emphasis on…

PECARN Head Trauma

PECARN Head Trauma – an update with Drs. Peter Dayan and Nate Kuppermann. A Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast to educate, enlighten and inform. Children’s Hospital of…

Adolescent Opioid Use Disorder: Session 2

This session will explore evidence demonstrating how addiction can be considered a pediatric disease as well as treatment currently provided to adolescent patients with Opioid…

Emergency Room or Not?

Parents worry when a child hits their head. This podcast will help inform the important decisions you need to make as a primary care provider,…