Healthcare Leadership in Botswana

In March 2023, leaders from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia were asked to co-facilitate a Healthcare Leadership course with senior faculty from the University of Botswana Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing. This three-day course, for thirty-six emerging leaders across Botswana’s various healthcare sectors, took place at Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital in Gaborone, Botswana.

Based on feedback from participants and colleagues in Botswana, the curriculum was enhanced and expanded for 2024. New topics were added, and the four-day course focused on Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Organization, and Advanced Leadership topics.

Selected participants from the 2023 course joined the 2024 co-facilitation team. More than 250 applications were received, and approximately 50 doctors, nurses, technicians, and administrators from various geographic locations and practice settings in Botswana took part in the seminar.

The sessions were recorded and uploaded to CHOP OPEN for asynchronous learners around the globe. Access the educational modules by expanding the sections below.

Medical Leadership 2024